Totaldataloss, LLC
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Who are we?

Totaldataloss is a company. We're pretty sure.

We provide services? Or maybe we're some sort of colocation facility

Once our data is "restored" from our "backups", I'm sure we'll be able to tell you more about who we are and what services we provide

Our site is constantly updating, so check back later for more details!


Totaldataloss offers a number of great services, according to our sales team!

Well, sales guy.

Actually, do we even have a sales department? Who was that guy?


$0 / mo

  • 1 service (our choice of service)
  • 100 GB of storage (write only)
  • Email support, we won't respond
  • 50% uptime


$50 / mo

  • 2 services (Our choice)
  • 1 TB of storage (write only)
  • Email support, we'll tell you we're working on it
  • (We aren't)
  • At least 50% uptime!


$100 / mo

  • 1 service (Your choice!)
  • 15 GB of storage (write AND read!)
  • Email support, we'll actually look at it!
  • Uptime!